Thursday, June 2, 2011

SO ANYWAY.......

This whole sound and vibration thing……it’s more than just woo-woo; it’s science!  Scientific research backs up everything you will read about in this blog.  Just thought I’d mention that before moving right along, for those of you who might be doing that eye-rolling thing…….

It’s long been established that our energy body vibrates, as does every organ in our body.  Every cell, every organ, even every thought vibrates to a certain frequency, so it stands to reason that when we are healthy, we vibrate in a specific way; just as when we become ill, our vibration changes; it becomes slower.   
Our vibrational frequencies can be thrown out of tune by trauma, negative thought patterns, toxins and stress.

The overwhelming amount of contrasting frequencies in our modern world from cell phones, laptops, televisions and other electrical devices further throw our natural healthy frequency into chaos. There are so many fun (and legitimately scientifically-based) ways to help the body to remember its healthy frequency and begin to resonate harmoniously again. 

Music and sound therapy work just as when a stringed instrument  placed in one corner of a room will begin to resonate with the same tone, as another stringed instrument across the room which a particular note or chord has been played.

Sound therapy is comprehensive…and can be used for diverse conditions including stress reduction, pain management,  and even in cases of addiction.

It can take the form of many different tools, including cd, chimes, drums, singing bowls, and even tuning forks.
Tuning forks have been increasingly used by chiropractors, massage therapists, reflexologists and even by acupuncturists for patients who may be afraid of needles!

Because of its non-invasive nature, Sound Therapy is well suited for use with children and pets. STILL makes sense to me !

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