Thursday, August 11, 2011

Test THIS !

Are you tired of….from one day to the next….learning that something is good for you…..and something else is not? 

We need to eat more of this, drink more of that, take this additional supplement, eliminate that one…..

Because every day more and more research goes on that reveals new findings.  How many times a week ---not a month---not a year---but a WEEK… we hear “New study shows…..blah, blah, blah….Don’t drink coffee.  Drink more coffee!  Don’t eat chocolate.  Eat more chocolate; it’s good for the heart!

I don’t know….call me crazy…..but, I see a lot of different looking people.  I don’t see a world full of brunette women, or blond men, or all the same color eyes, or certainly not the same kinds of bodies.  I see individuals, unique in every way….whether outwardly visible, or inwardly invisible to the naked eye.  In fact, I’ll bet anything that there are no two people who have the same chemical make-up.

 Genetic make-up.

 Or even thought systems that so predominantly affect our health and certainly our lives. 

And yet…….we’re supposed to buy into every new study, research finding, or “documented proof” that we hear.

 Is that a bunch of bunk or what?

With a constant media barrage of what we should be consuming….what we should be doing… we should be living…..isn’t it a wonder that people are simply overwhelmed by it all, and for the most part aren’t even listening anymore?

Wouldn’t it be extremely refreshing to be able to tune it all out, and learn for ourselves what is in our best interests….physically, mentally, and even spiritually?

Has anyone here ever experienced an applied kinesiology session?  Perhaps through a visit with your chiropractor?  Or other energy healing facilitator?

For those of you not aware,  kinesiology is simply the study of muscles and their movements.

APPLIED kinesiology, on the other hand, is a well-established science based upon muscle response to a variety of stimuli.  A positive stimulus provokes a strong muscle response.  Likewise, a negative stimulus results in a weakened response.  The study is proven to help us to learn the best foods, supplements, and vitamins which suit our particular needs.

Applied kinesiology can also help you learn about common household items that we use all the time, and how they might be affecting our health.

And…we can even learn to discern whether a popular  belief is true for us, therefore enhancing our well-being….or if it does not resonate with us, therefore depleting our state of wellness.

The basis of Kinesiology is that the body is like an electrical piece of equipment, which is controlled by  the brain—an extremely complex computer.  The brain is continually in communication with each of the 639 muscles in the body.

If a muscle is electrically in balance, it is possible to measure a constant electrical signal from the brain to that muscle and back again.

However, when the body is overstressed (through a chemical, emotional, structural or electrical cause), the electrical signals in one or more muscles go weak. It is like a fuse in your fusebox blowing. The body figures that it is better to blow a fuse than to blow the whole system and burn the house down.

I frequently hold workshops demonstrating exactly how applied kinesiology works, but more importantly, I enjoy empowering people to learn how to apply it for themselves, in their own every day lives.

I usually start out with samples of a variety of items that I place into your aura (or energy field) .....

You will then, through simply muscle testing, learn if those items are good for you—strengthening you—enhancing your wellbeing……or bad for you—weakening you—depleting your state of wellness.

Afterwards, when you’ve gotten the hang of it, I can teach you how to test yourself, because frankly most of us are not always in the company of a “tester”.  I can also show you…..if you’re into it, and have one….how to do the same testing with a pendulum.

Applied Kinesiology is informative, enlightening, and just plain fun….and perhaps most important......
It all Makes Sense to Me!

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